Savings 25% (5.00 €)
Special and Limited Edition product! You won’t find it in stores
Order now before it’s too late the number of products is limited!
Secure payment with Credit Card, PayPal or bank transfer.
Here’s how to buy:
Prodotto speciale e in Edizione limitata! Non lo trovi nei negozi
Ordina adesso prima che sia troppo tardi il numero dei prodotti è limitato!
Pagamento sicuro con Carta di Credito, PayPal o bonifico.
Ecco come acquistare:
Spezialprodukt und Limited Edition! Nicht im Laden erhältlich.
Bestellen Sie jetzt, bevor es zu spät ist, die Anzahl der Produkte ist begrenzt!
Sichere Zahlung mit Kreditkarte, PayPal oder Überweisung.
So können Sie kaufen:
Shipping is carried out 5 to 7 working days starting from tomorrow.
Shipping cost is 4.95 € for the first purchased item 1.45 € for each additional product.
We will print the product for you once the order is received,
each product is made to order to guarantee the highest quality.
This mode of production allows us to reduce waste and environmental impact.